I’m the founder and past publisher of a local news startup (2010-2021) and a former journalist/photojournalist.
Currently a semi-retired architectural photographer (j.richardson photography), I enjoy traveling, reading and learning new things. Most notably, I’m on a coding deep dive, studying app building and development on the Base network.
I’m a longtime, dedicated patron of the digital arts, amassing a distinctive collection across chains and platforms. I also publish a weekly newsletter, The (art) Collector’s Corner (link).
A cryptocurrency market enthusiast since 2017, links to my online credentials and items of proficiency are below.
Online Credentials:
Proficiency in/with:
Front End Developer (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Intermediate Coding and App Building (incl. Cursor, Figma, Replit, Srcbook, etc.)
LLM Prompting
Photography and Graphic Design
Editing, Writing/Copywriting, Online Publishing, CMS
Marketing and Community Building